It’s no surprise to anybody in design that the rate of technological change is accelerating at a breakneck pace. But what may surprise you is how that pace will challenge your assumptions and redefine the concept of “good packaging.” In the near future integrated and intelligent interactive functionality will revolutionize the consumer experience. Imagine driving engagement, loyalty and trust for brands by communicating with consumers on an item level… continuing the relationship after the initial purchase… ensuring products are being used properly… showing them when foods are ripe. Right now, Recall Packaging is piloting projects in multiple segments across the globe to develop the materials, technologies, packaging and labeling solutions needed to turn the extraordinary into the everyday. Here are a few of the trends we’re exploring
Packaging with “POW” for Added Shelf Power
Today’s designers are already making inroads on interactive packaging to dominate shelf appeal. For instance:
- Thermocrhromatic inks on packaging that tells consumers whether the beer inside is still cold.
- Electroluminescent labels that, along with a graphic equalizer display, allow packaging to light up.
- Special coatings that can deliver a scent upon handling.
- Packaging that changes color, indicating the ripeness of fruit.
So that is why we set up R&D center – We would like to focus on packaging and to build the world’s professional functional brands. That’s our goal and the cause for the heart..