
Q & A

Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or issues. Please contact us by following ways:

Address: Room303, 3/F
Baluo Business Centre Building, No. 2525 Lane,Chunshen Road,Shanghai 201108
Tel: 86 021 5438-2018
E-mail:[email protected]

Sample Due Date

ItemProductsProduct LineColorsMaterialWorking Day
1HangtagsOffsetSingle or DoubleC1S,C2S,CCNB5
2Bellybands & Headercards7
Tear Proof10
3StickersImprint OR OffsetC2S2
4PDQOffsetCCNB & Kraft5
5PolybagsSingle or DoublePP,PE,PVE,PVC
multi-color(<5C )7
6Gift bagsmulti-colorC1S,C2S,White Kraft7
7WovensBroad Loom50D,75D,100D Dyed Yarn3
Needle Loom5
8Printed Fabric LabelsScreen PrintingCotton Yarn5
Rotary LetterpressSingle or DoubleWoven edge Satin2
9Electronic Article SurveillanceEASConfidential10
10Heat Transfer LabelHTL5
11Metal LabelsElectric PlatingSingleMetal7

Order Due date

ItemProductsProduct LineColorsMaterialWorking Day
1HangtagsOffsetSingle or DoubleC1S,C2S,CCNB5
2Bellybands & Headercards10
Tear Proof15
3StickersImprint OR OffsetC2S3
4PDQOffsetCCNB & Kraft7
5PolybagsSingle or DoublePP,PE,PVE,PVC
multi-color(<5C )10
6Gift bagsmulti-colorC1S,C2S,White Kraft12
7WovensBroad Loom50D,75D,100D Dyed Yarn5
Needle Loom7
8Printed Fabric LabelsScreen PrintingCotton Yarn5
Rotary LetterpressSingle or DoubleWoven edge Satin3
9Electronic Article SurveillanceEASConfidential12
10Heat Transfer LabelHTL7
11Metal LabelsElectric PlatingSingleMetal10


if you have any other questions, are available through the follwing ways to get in touch with us

Address:Room303,3/F,Baluo Business Centre Building,No. 2525 Lane,Chunshen Road,Shanghai,China

Tel:+86-021-54382018 Postcode:201108

E-mail: [email protected]
